Project Information
The LEDLUM project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731466. |
Technical/Advisory Board Meeting Cork
26 April 2019
by Patrick Leczek
From 13th to 15th March 2019 the LEDLUM partners met for a technical meeting and Advisory Board (AB) Meeting in Cork, Ireland, hosted by partner Tyndall.
Partners reflected on the first two years of the project with a special focus on the last six months. They also identified several hot topics which could be discussed and voted for the most important ones. The two hot topics chosen for discussion were “System Architecture” and “Integration (Module/SiP/passives)”. The consortium split in two groups to work on these topics and afterwards presented and discussed the findings in the group as a whole.
On the second day of the meeting, Advisory Board member Johannes Stahr joined the consortium. After a short wrap up of the first day, the consortium split in two groups again and focused on the integrated passives/SiP and the development track demo. The findings of the two groups where then presented and discussed with the whole group again. After lunch, the consortium returned to their groups and worked on the research track demo and the luminaire demo. Afterwards they came back together and discussed their findings. With all the new input from these two days, the consortium decided on the hot topics to be focused on the last day. “Dissemination & Exploitation” and “Magnetics” were selected. At the end of the second day, the Advisory Board members, who actively participated in the discussions, provided valuable feedback, which will help fulfill project goals. After a short wrap-up of the second meeting day, all partners and the AB member continued interesting discussions in a less formal atmosphere during a common dinner.
The last day was used to discuss the two hot topics, to align further work, and to collect the action points and define responsibilities. Overall, it was an engaging meeting which solidified the future success of LEDLUM.