Project Information
The LEDLUM project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731466. |
Technical meeting Dornbirn (Austria)
30 September 2017
by Barbara Gaggl
On the first day the focus was put on the power electronics - both the AC/DC and the DC/DC stage as well on the progress of integrated inductors and capacitors. The second day was dedicated to discussions on the driver system, particularly the housekeeping circuitry. Also an outlook regarding Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and thermal issues was given. Furthermore, the day was used to kick-off WP6 “Luminaire System”, which goal it is to make the complete LED Light Fitting system. First discussions regarding control and outputs were initiated and inputs were gathered. Furthermore, the overall project plan was discussed in detail, dependencies were highlighted and minor adjustments were made. Last but not least some general administrative issues were discussed and first preparatory steps towards the interim review meeting were taken.