Project Information
The LEDLUM project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731466. |
Second Technical Meeting (Ireland)
06 June 2017
by Barbara Gaggl
The first day was dedicated to provide the status and future outlook of the technical work packages. Each technical WP-leader presented the work done and some in-depth and ground laying technical discussions took place. After the first day of the meeting, the partners met again for having a delicious dinner, where discussions continued in a less formal atmosphere. On the second day, the main tasks of WP7 and WP8, which are dedicated as the dissemination and project management work packages, were discussed and responsibilities were assigned. Afterwards, a rough plan for the upcoming months was established and further technical discussions took place. Summing up, it was a very successful and engaging meeting, providing many inputs that can be used for further research and developments within the LEDLUM project.